Was it a ghost telling a story? Part -3

 Part -3

As if he had ordered one old man, and the order were promptly executed (truly, all orders were so, in that excellent hotel), the door opened, and one old man stood there. He did not come in, but stood with the door in his hand.

"One of the six, Tom, at last! said Mr. Goodchild, in a

surprised whisper. "Sir, your pleasure?" said the old man.

"I didn't ring."

"The bell did," said the old man. He said bell in a deep strong way, that would have expressed the church bell.

"I had the pleasure, I believe, of seeing you yesterday?" said Mr. Goodchild.

"I cannot undertake to say for certain," was the grim reply of the old man

"I think you saw me. Did you not?" "Saw you?" said the old man. "Oh yes, I saw you. But, I see many who never see mc.

A chilled, slow, earthy, fixed old man. A cadaverous old man of measured speech. An old man who seemed as unable to wink, as if his eyelids had been nailed to his forchead. An old man whose eyes--two spots of fire-had no more motion as if they had been connected with the back of his skull by screws driven through it, and riveted and bolted outside, among his grey hair.

The night had turned so cold, to Mr. Goodchild's sensations, that he shivered. He remarked lightly, and half apologetically, "I think somebody is walking over my grave."

"No," said the weird old man, "there is no one there." Mr. Goodchild looked at Mr. Idle, but Mr. Idle lay with his

head enwreathed in smoke.

"No one there?" said Mr. Goodchild.

"There is no one at your grave, I assure you," said the old man,

He had come in and shut the door, and he now sat down. He did not bend himself to sit, as other people do, but secm to sink bolt upright,  as if water, until

"My friend, Mr. Idle." said Mr. Goodchild, extremely introduce person into the conversation "I am," said the old man, without looking him,

Idle's service."

"If you are an old inhabitant of this place," Francis Goodchild resumed.


"Perhaps you can decide a point, my friend, and were doubt upon, this morning. They hang condemned the castle, I believe?"

"I believe so," said the old man.

"Are their faces turned towards that noble prospect?"

"Your face is turned," replied the old man, "to the castle wall. When you are tied up, you see its stones expanding and contracting violently, and a similar expansion and contraction seem to take place in your own head and breast. Then, there rush of fire and an earthquake, and the castle springs into the air, and you tumble down a precipice."

His cravat appeared to trouble him. He put his hand throat, and moved his neck from side to side. He was an old man of swollen character of face, and his nose was immovably hitched up on one side, as if by a little hook inserted in that nostril. Mr. Goodchild felt exceedingly uncomfortable, and began to think the night was hot, and not cold.

"A strong description, sir," he observed.

sensation," the old man rejoined.

Again, Mr. Goodchild looked to Mr. Thomas Idle; but Thomas lay on his back with his face attentively turned towards the old man, and made no sign. At this time, Mr. Goodchild believed that he saw threads of fire stretch from the old man's eyes to his own, and there attach themselves. (Mr. Goodchild writes the present account of his experience, and, with the utmost solemnity, protests that he had the strongest sensation upon him of being forced to look at the old man along those two fiery films from that moment).

"I must tell it to you," said the old man, with a ghastly and

a stony stare.

"What?" asked Francis Goodchild.

"You know where it took place, Yonder!" Whether he pointed to the room above, or to the room below, or to any room in that old house, or to a room in some other house in that old town. Mr. Goodchild was not, nor is, nor ever can be sure. He was confused by the circumstance that the right forefinger of the old man seemed to dip itself in one of the threads of fire, light itself, and make a fiery start in the air, as it pointed somewhere. Having pointed somewhere, it went out.

"You know she was a bride," said the old man, "I know they still send up bride cake," Mr. Goodchild faltered. "This is a very oppressive air."

"She was a bride”, said the old man. "She was a fair, flaxen haired, large-eyed girl, who had no character, no purpose. A weak, credulous, incapable, helpless nothing. Not like her mother. No, no. It was her father whose character she reflected.

"Her mother had taken care to secure everything to herself, for her own life, when the father of this girl (a child at that time) died-of sheer helplessness; no other disorder—and then he renewed the acquaintance that had once subsisted between the mother and him. He had been put aside for the flaxen haired, large-cyed man (or nonentity) with money, He could overlook that for money. He wanted compensation in money,

"So, he returned to the side of that woman, the mother, danced attendance on her, and submitted himself to her whims. She wreaked upon him everything she had, or could invent. Hc bore it. And the more he bore, the more he wanted compensation in money, and the more he was resolved to have it

"But, lo! before he got it, she cheated him. In one of her imperious states she froze, and never thawed again. She put her hands to her head one night, uttered a cry, stiffened, lay in that attitude certain hours, and died. And he had got no compensation from her in money, yet blight and murrain on her! Not a penny

"He had hated her throughout that second pursuit, and had longed for retaliation on her. He now counterfeited her signature to an instrument, leaving all she had to leave to her daughter ten years old then-to whom the property passed absolutely, and appointing himself the daughter's guardian. When he slid it under the pillow of the bed on which she lay, he bent down in the deaf car of death, and whispered: "Mistress Pride. I have determined a long time that, dead or alive, you must make me

compensation in moncy." "So, now there were only two left-he and the fair flaxen haired, large-cyed foolish daughter, who after wards became the bride.

"He put her to school, in a secret, dark, oppressive, ancient house; he put her there with a watchful and unscrupulous woman. "My worthy lady," he said, "here is a mind to be formed; will you help me to form it?" She accepted the trust. For which she, too, wanted compensation in money, and had it.

The girl was formed in the fear of him, and in the conviction that there was no escape from him. She was taught, from the first, to regard him as her future husband-the man who must marry her--the destiny that overshadowed her-the appointed certainty that could never be evaded. The poor fool was soft white wax in their hands, and took the impression that they put upon her. It hardened with time. It became a part of herself. Inseparable from herself, and only to be torn away from her, by tearing life away from her.

"Eleven years she had lived in the dark house and its gloomy garden. He was jealous of the very light and air getting to her, and they kept her close. He stopped the wide chimneys, shaded the little windows, left the strong-stemmed ivy to wander over the house-front, the moss to accumulate on the untrimmed fruit trees in the red-walled garden, the weeds to overrun its green and yellow walks. He surrounded her with images of sorrow and desolation. He caused her to be filled with fears of the place and of the stories that were told of it, and then on pretext of correcting them, to be left in it in solitude, or made to shrink about it in the dark. When her mind was most depressed and full of terrors, then he would come out of one of the hiding places from which he overlooked her, and present himself as her sole resource.

"Thus, by being from her childhood the one embodiment her life presented to her of power to coerce and power to relieve, power to bind and power to loose; the ascendency over her weakness was secured. She was twenty-one year and twenty one-day-old, when he brought her home to the gloomy house, his half-witted, frightened, and submissive bride of three weeks.

"He had dismissed the governess by that time—what he had left to do, he could best do alone and they came back upon a rainy night to the scene of her long preparation. She turned to him upon the threshold, as the rain was dripping from the porch, and said, "Oh sir, it is the death watch ticking for me!"

"Well!" he answered. "And if it were?"

"Oh sir!" she returned to him, "look kindly on me, and be merciful to me! I beg your pardon, I will do anything you wish, if you will only forgive me.

"That had become the poor fool's constant song: "I beg your pardon," and "forgive me!" "She was not worth hating: he felt nothing but contempt for her. But she had long been in the way, and he had long been
weary, and the work was near its end, and had to be worked out.

"You fool," he said. "Go up the stairs."

"She obeyed very quickly, murmuring, "I will do anything you wish!" When he came into the bride's chamber, having been a little retarded by the heavy fastenings of the great door (or they were alone in the house, and he had arranged that the people who attended on them should come and go in the day). he found her withdrawn to the furthest corner, and there standing pressed against the panelling, as if, she would have shrunk through it; her flaxen hair all wild about her face; and her large eyes staring at him in vague terror.

"What are you afraid of? Come and sit down by me." "I will do anything you wish. I beg your pardon, sir. Forgive me!" Her monotonous tunc, as usual.

"Ellen, here is a writing that you must write out tomorrow in your own hand. You may as well be seen by others, busily engaged upon it. When you have written it all fairly, and corrected all mistakes, all in any two people there may be about the house, and sign your name to it before them. Then, put it in your pillow to keep it safe, and when I sit here again tomorrow night, give it to me.

"I will do it all, with the greatest care. I will do anything you wish."

"Don't shake and tremble, then."

"I will try my utmost not to do it-if you will only forgive


"Next day, she sat down at her desk, and did as she had been told. He often passed in and out of the room to observe
her and always saw her slowly and laboriously writing, repeating to herself the words she copied, in appearance quite mechanically, and without caring or endeavouring to comprehend them so that she did her task. He saw her follow the directions she had received, in all particulars, and at night. when they were alone again in the same bride's chamber, and he drew his chair to the hearth, she timidly approached him from her distant seat, took the paper from her pillow, and gave it into his hand,

"It secured all her possessions to him, in the event of her death. He put her before him face to face that he might look at her steadily and he asked her, in so many plain words, neither fewer nor more, did she know that? "There were spots of ink upon her white dress, and they made her face look whiter and her eyes look larger as she nodded

her head. There were spots of ink upon the hand with which

she stood before him, nervously plaiting and folding her white


"He took her by the arms, and looked her, yet more closely

and steadily in the face. "Now die! I have done with you." "She shrunk, and uttered a low, suppressed cry. "I am not going to kill you. I will not endanger my life for you. Die!"

"He sat before her in the gloomy bride's chamber, day after day night after night. As often as her large unmeaning eyes were raised from the hands in which she rocked her head, to the stern figure sitting with crossed arms and knitted foreheads in the chair, they read in it, "Die!" When she dropped asleep in exhaustion, she was called back to shuddering consciousness by the whisper, "Die!" When she fell upon her old entreaty to be pardoned, she was answered, "Die!" When she had outwatched and outsuffered the long night, and the rising su flamed into the sombre room, she heard it hailed with, "Another day and not dead? Die!"

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