Ghost frequents his place

My acquaintance with the supernatural happened in January 1919, after I was demobilised and went back to Cambridge, und rented the rooms in the old Vicarage, Grantchester, formerly occupied by Rupert Brooke, which, by…

Warning ignored

This is a true story of a ghost and a disregarded warning1 cannot give the name of the house, or of the dangerous hill. The house and the hill exist as you pass them on the way to the south coast to make a detour down…

Dead hostility

At the period of which I speak, there existed, in the interior of Hungary, a settled although hidden belief in the door the metempsychosis. Of the doctrines themselves the their falsity, or of their probabilic-I say n…

Dead rider on ghost Pony

When General C. Barter, C.B., was living in the Indian hill country, he met with a supernatural experience, when not only did he see the ghost of a former acquaintance, but also that of the pony which he used to ride …

The man in Turban

Mr. William Patterson Henry had narrated an authentic Indian ghost story from Ceylon, when he and his family were living at a bungalow some hundreds of acres. on a large tea and coffee plantation of The Henrys found e…

The mystery of face in water

Never in the daytime or in bright sunlight could you see it, but sometimes just before sunset when some sinking ray of the sun was reflected from the rock to the lake's dark surface, and always in moonlight and on…

Ghost in search of his hand (Part-2)

Part 2.. vanishes. For more than a thousand times he had gone through the same routine," What does he want?" "He wants his hand "His hand?" MYes, it came about in this way I was summoned to Pe…

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